VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid: Install, Configure, Manage

In diesem viertägigen Kurs konzentrieren Sie sich auf die Installation von VMware Tanzu® Kubernetes Grid™ in einer VMware vSphere®-Umgebung sowie die Bereitstellung und Verwaltung von Tanzu Kubernetes Grid-Clustern. Der Kurs behandelt die Installation von Tanzu Kubernetes Grid-Paketen für Image-Registrierung, Authentifizierung, Protokollierung, Ingress, Multipod-Netzwerkschnittstellen, Service Discovery und Überwachung. Die in diesem Kurs erlernten Konzepte sind für Benutzer übertragbar, die Tanzu Kubernetes Grid auf anderen unterstützten Clouds installieren müssen.

Dieser Advanced-Kurs wird direkt von VMware durchgeführt.

Listenpreis 2.760,00 € exkl. MwSt.
3.284,40 € inkl. MwSt. Dauer 4 Tage
Leistungen Präsenz
  • Schulung im Trainingscenter
  • Verpflegung
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  • Online Zugang
  • Teilnahmebestätigung / Zertifikat
Ihre Ansprechpartnerin

Gabriela Bücherl


Telefon: +49 (0)89-4576918-16

  • Inhalte
    • 1 Course Introduction
      • Introductions and course logistics
      • Course objectives
    • 2 Introducing VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
      • Identify the VMware Tanzu products responsible for Kubernetes life cycle management and describe the main differences between them
      • Explain the core concepts of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid, including bootstrap, Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management, supervisor, and workload clusters
      • List the components of a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instance
    • 3 VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid CLI and API
      • Illustrate how to use the Tanzu CLI
      • Define the Carvel Tool set
      • Define Cluster API
      • Identify the infrastructure providers
      • List the Cluster API controllers
      • Identify the Cluster API custom resource definitions
    • 4 Authentication
      • Explain how Kubernetes manages authentication with Management clusters
      • Explain how Kubernetes manages authentication with supervisor clusters
      • Define Pinniped
      • Define Dex
      • Describe the Pinniped authentication workflow
    • 5 Load Balancers
      • Illustrate how load balancing works for the Kubernetes control plane
      • Illustrate how load balancing works for application workload
      • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid integrates with VMware NSX Advanced Load Balancer
      • List load balancing options available on public clouds
    • 6 VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on vSphere
      • List the requirements for deploying a supervisor cluster
      • List the steps to install a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid supervisor cluster
      • Summarize the events of a supervisor cluster creation
      • List the requirements for deploying a management cluster
      • List the steps to install a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid management cluster
      • Summarize the events of a management cluster creation
      • Demonstrate how to use commands when working with management clusters
    • 7 VMware Tanzu Kubernetes Grid on Public Clouds
      • List the requirements for deploying a management cluster on AWS and Microsoft Azure
      • List the configuration options to install a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid a management cluster on AWS and Azure
    • 8 Tanzu Kubernetes Workload Clusters
      • List the steps to build a custom image
      • Describe the available customizations
      • Identify the options for deploying Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters
      • Explain the difference between the v1alpha3 and v1beta1 APIs
      • Explain how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid clusters are created
      • Discuss which VMs compose a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
      • List the pods that run on a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
      • Describe the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid core add-ons that are installed on a cluster
    • 9 Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Packages
      • Define the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid packages
      • Explain the difference between Auto-Managed and CLI-Managed packages
      • Define packages repositories
    • 10 Configuring and Managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Operation and Analytics Packages
      • Describe Cert-Manager
      • Describe the Harbor Image Registry
      • Describe Fluent Bit
      • Identify the logs that Fluent Bit collects
      • Explain basic Fluent Bit configuration
      • Describe Prometheus and Grafana
    • 11 Configuring and Managing Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Networking Packages
      • Describe the Contour ingress controller
      • Demonstrate how to install Contour on a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
      • Describe ExternalDNS
      • Demonstrate how to install Service Discovery with ExternalDNS
      • Describe Multus CNI
    • 12 Tanzu Kubernetes Grid Day 2 Operations
      • List the load balancer configuration options in vSphere to load balance applications
      • Demonstrate how to configure Ingress with the NodePortLocal Mode
      • Explain how to install VMware Tanzu Application Platform
      • Describe life cycle management in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
      • Explain how backup and restore are implemented in Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
      • Describe Velero and Restic
      • List the steps to back up a Workload cluster using Velero and Restic
    • 13 Troubleshooting Tanzu Kubernetes Grid
      • Discuss the various Tanzu Kubernetes Grid logs
      • Identify the location of Tanzu Kubernetes Grid logs
      • Explain the purpose of crash diagnostics
      • Demonstrate how to check the health of a Tanzu Kubernetes Grid cluster
      • Explain packages cleanup procedures
      • Explain management recovery procedures

    Nach Abschluss des Kurses verfügen Sie über folgende Fähigkeiten:
    • Describe how Tanzu Kubernetes Grid fits in the VMware TanzuTM portfolio
    • Describe the Tanzu Kubernetes Grid architecture
    • Deploy management clusters
    • Deploy Tanzu Kubernetes clusters
    • Configure your Tanzu Kubernetes Grid instance for authentication, logging, and ingress
    • Perform basic troubleshooting

    Platform operators who are responsible for deploying and managing Tanzu Kubernetes clusters

    • Understanding of Kubernetes and the Kubernetes cluster architecture
    • Experience deploying and managing multiple Kubernetes clusters
  • VMware ebook, Englisch
  • Firmen- oder Inhouseschulungen finden ausschließlich mit Teilnehmern Ihrer Firma
    in unseren oder Ihren Räumlichkeiten oder als Online LIVE Schulung statt.

    Überblick zu den Vorteilen unserer individuellen Firmen- und Inhouseschulungen:

    • Individuelle Zusammenstellung der Themen, gemäß Ihren Anforderungen
    • Maßgeschneidert auf Ihre Ziele
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+49 (0)89 4576918-40
Mo-Fr: 8.00 - 17.00

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